How to smoke from a glass bong

How to smoke from a glass bong
Bongs can be used for smoking any substances but mostly tobacco or marijuana. Water bongs provide smoother and more enjoyable smoking experience as they help to filter and cool whatever you smoke. Read our short instructions how to smoke from a bong.
Fill in your clean glass bong with cold water. The water level should be low enough under the carb hole /if there is any/ so you don´t spill it but also at least 2 inches above the bottom of your downstem. If your bong is equipped with an ice holder you can also add some ice cubes for even smoother hits.

Now pack your bowl with any smokable products. It must not be packed very tight otherwise you won´t be able to pull air through it.

Place your mouth on the mouthpiece making sure that is airtight. If your bong has a carb hole, cover it with your finger. Ignite the substance in the bowl. Start to suck up the smoke at the same time and keep slowly inhaling until the chamber is full of smoke. Take your finger from the carb hole or pull out the slider. Now inhale the smoke and exhale until there is no smoke coming out of your lungs. Don´t exhale if your mouth is still on the mouthpiece! That will spill your substances everywhere. Alway clean your bong properly after each use!
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